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FA solutions for SiPh Chip

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Fiber Array / Polarization Maintaining Fiber Array

The optical fiber array is a light guide carrier that uses V grooves to fix the multi-core optical fiber on the substrate. The precise positioning of the optical path is based on the precise V groove formed by special cutting with advanced packaging and polishing technology. So the requirements for materials and manufacturing technology are very high. 
FOCI can provide various types of optical fiber arrays according to different design requirements, such as the number of optical fiber array channels, core spacing and grinding angles, etc. can be customized. 
Fiber arrays are usually used in planar optical waveguides, arrayed waveguide gratings, active/passive array fiber devices, micro-electromechanical systems, and multi-channel optical modules. In recent years, with the rapid development of high-speed coherent optical transmission and long-distance bidirectional optical transmission systems, the demand for polarization-maintaining optical fiber arrays has also increased significantly.


  • Telecommunications 
  • Local area network 
  • Fiber to the home 
  • Video transmission 
  • Fiber optic sensing 
  • Testing instruments 
  • CATV
  • Integrated optics 
  • Coherent communication system


  • Low insertion loss 
  • Custom defined specifications 
  • PANDA fiber 
  • High extinction ratio 
  • Low angle misalignment 
  • Environmentally stable