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About FOCI

Business Philosophy

Business Philosophy
Honest and Trust Management Philosophy
Carrying out the pledges in handling matters and being honest in facing customers and staffs.
Requesting The Quality Level Demanded By The Customers
Putting up with the pledge of quality by all manners in pursuing the target of customer satisfaction.
Implicitly Understanding Team Work Cooperation
Cooperating closely with group team spirit "many feathers make a bed" to accomplish the synergy.
Nimble and Innovative Thought Pattern
Strengthening the competitiveness in formulating niche by skillful utilization and bright innovation.
Performance Oriented Management Principle
Eliminating the doctrine management by promoting efficiency at first and executing righteousness, rewards and punishments principle.
Sharing Profit Partnerships
Creating profits, maintaining the rights and interests of shareholders by reducing costs and promoting more added values which can lead to double-wins circumstances with customers.
Quality Policy
For the first time, we will deliver products that meet quality requirements to customers in a timely manner.
Environmental Policy
1. We will continue to carry out pollution prevention and control to minimize the company's environmental impact.
2. We will continue to reduce the use of substances harmful to the environment.
3. We will continue to recycle available resources.
4. We will continue to promote our environmental protection concepts to suppliers and contractors.
5. We will continue to meet our obligations to comply with relevant environmental laws and regulations.
6. We will continue to improve the environmental management system to enhance the commitment of environmental performance.