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CSR Policy

Chapter 1 General Provisions

Article 1

In order to implement the corporate social responsibility policy of Shangquan Optical Fiber Communication Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") and implement the business vision, we have formulated the company's corporate social responsibility practices in accordance with the "Code of Practice for Corporate Social Responsibility of Listed Companies" and relevant laws and regulations. The Code (hereinafter referred to as the "Code") is for compliance.
This Code applies to the overall operating activities of Shangquan Optical Fiber Communication Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") and group companies.

Article 2

While operating the company, the company actively implements corporate social responsibility to comply with international development trends, and promotes the country’s economic contribution through corporate citizenship related issues, directly or indirectly improves the quality of life of employees, communities, and society, and promotes corporate social responsibility. This competitive advantage.

Article 3

The company attaches great importance to corporate governance, environmental protection, and social participation, and incorporates it into the company’s management policies and operating activities; pursuing sustainable operation and profitability, while taking into account the rights and interests of stakeholders and fulfilling corporate social responsibilities. In accordance with the principle of materiality, the company conducts risk assessment of corporate governance, environmental and social issues related to company operations, and formulates related risk management policies or strategies.

Article 4

The company's corporate social responsibility practice is based on the following principles:
1. Implement corporate governance.
2. Develop a sustainable environment.
3. Maintain social welfare.
4. Strengthen the disclosure of corporate social responsibility information.

Article 5

The company communicates with stakeholders through appropriate communication methods, and considers the development trend of corporate social responsibility, the relevance of corporate core business and the impact of overall operating activities on stakeholders, etc.; formulates corporate social responsibility policies, systems and related management policies and Specific promotion plan.

Chapter 2 Implementation of Corporate Governance

Article 6

The company follows the Code of Practice for the Governance of Listed Companies, the Code of Integrity Management of Listed Companies, and Reference Examples of Codes of Ethical Conduct for Listed Companies to establish an effective corporate governance structure and related ethical standards to improve corporate governance.

Article 7

The board of directors of the company fulfills the duty of care of a good manager and urges the company to fulfill its corporate social responsibilities, including the following matters:
1. Propose a corporate social responsibility mission or vision, and formulate corporate social responsibility policies, systems or related management guidelines.
2. Incorporate corporate social responsibility into the company's operational activities and development direction, and approve specific corporate social responsibility promotion plans.
3. To ensure the real-time and correctness of the disclosure of corporate social responsibility related information.
The company’s board of directors supervises and assists senior management in implementing corporate governance and social responsibility practices. In order to improve corporate social responsibility management, a corporate sustainability committee has been set up under the board of directors. This committee is a full-time unit responsible for corporate social responsibility policies, systems, related management policies, and specific promotion plans. Economic, environmental and social issues, and regularly report to the board of directors of its operation and handling procedures and related handling of the responsible personnel.

Article 8

The company's relevant operating activities follow laws and regulations, create a level playing field, and implement the following matters:
1. Avoid engaging in acts that violate unfair competition.
2. Establish an anti-corruption and anti-bribery management system.
3. Regularly hold corporate social responsibility education and training, including publicizing the preceding items.

Article 9

The company formulates a reasonable salary and remuneration policy to ensure that the remuneration plan is in line with the organization's strategic goals and the interests of stakeholders. The employee performance appraisal system is combined with the corporate social responsibility policy to clarify the effective reward and punishment system.

Article 10

The company is based on respecting the rights and interests of stakeholders, identifying the company's stakeholders, and setting up a special area for stakeholders on the company website; through appropriate communication methods and stakeholder participation, understanding the reasonable expectations and needs of the stakeholders, and responding appropriately to the interests Concerned about important corporate social responsibility issues.

Chapter 3 Development of a sustainable environment

Article 11

The company follows environmental regulations and relevant international standards, appropriately protects the natural environment, and strives to improve the utilization efficiency of various resources when performing operational activities and internal management, and uses renewable materials with low impact on the environment to enable the earth's resources Sustainable use, to implement the business vision of "photoelectric energy saving, smart technology, best partner" and environmental sustainability goals.

Article 12

The company upholds the concept of green design and green operation management, provides customers with efficient and reliable solutions, and promotes corporate social responsibility concepts and practices to the supply chain to reduce the impact of operations on the environment and establish sustainable development as the goal Supply chain.

Article 13

The company establishes a suitable environmental management system based on the characteristics of the industry, which includes the following items:
1. Collect and evaluate sufficient and timely information on the impact of operating activities on the natural environment.
2. Establish a measurable environmental sustainability goal, and regularly review the continuity and relevance of its development.
3. Formulate implementation measures such as specific plans or action plans, and review their operational effectiveness on a regular basis.

Article 14

The company has established environmental management units or personnel to formulate, promote and maintain related environmental management systems and specific action plans, and regularly organize environmental education courses for management and employees.

Article 15

The company engages in R&D, procurement, production, operations, and services based on the following principles. At the same time, it evaluates the potential risks and opportunities of climate change to the company now and in the future, and adopts measures to respond to climate-related issues to reduce the impact of operations on the natural environment, Ecological benefits and human impact, and promote the concept of sustainable consumption:
1. Provide environmentally friendly products and services based on green design principles to reduce the impact on the environment and ecology.
2. Enhance the efficiency of products and services, extend product durability, and the recyclability and reuse of raw materials or products.
3. Count the water consumption and total weight of waste, and formulate policies to reduce water use or other waste management, and work to improve the efficiency of energy, resources, and water resources, so as to maximize and sustain the use of renewable energy, resources and water resources use.
4. Strengthen relevant environmental protection and treatment facilities to avoid pollution of water, air and land; and do our utmost to reduce adverse effects on human health and the environment. Adopt the best pollution prevention and control technology and formulate relevant management measures to control resource consumption, pollutants, toxic substances and waste discharge.
5. Reduce toxic hazards to the environment and ecological benefits and properly dispose of waste.
6. The company adopts domestic and international standards or guidelines to perform statistics and disclose the results of the greenhouse gas emissions inventory, the scope of which includes: direct greenhouse gas emissions and indirect greenhouse gas emissions. The company formulates energy saving and carbon reduction and greenhouse gas reduction strategies, and incorporates the acquisition of carbon rights into the company's carbon reduction strategy plan to reduce the impact of company operations on climate change.

Chapter 4 Maintaining Social Welfare

Article 16

The company abides by relevant labor laws and regulations, protects the legitimate rights and interests of employees and follows internationally recognized labor human rights protection responsibilities, and formulates relevant management policies and procedures, including:
1. Propose corporate human rights policies and statements.
2. Evaluate the impact of the company's operational activities and internal management on human rights, and formulate corresponding handling procedures.
3. Regularly review the effectiveness of corporate human rights policies and statements.
4. For situations that endanger labor rights and interests, provide effective, appropriate, concise, convenient and unobstructed complaint channels to ensure that the complaint process is equal and transparent, and responds appropriately to employee complaints.

Article 17

The company appropriately hires manpower in the place where the company operates and provides employee information to enable it to understand its rights under the labor laws of the country where it operates.

Article 18

The company provides employees with a safe and healthy working environment, including the provision of necessary health and first aid facilities, and is committed to reducing the hazards to employee safety and health, and regularly implements safety and health education and training for employees to prevent occupational disasters.

Article 19

The company establishes a good career development environment, education and training, talent development system and career ability development training program for employees. The company also formulates and implements reasonable employee welfare measures (including salary, vacation and other benefits, etc.), and appropriately reflects corporate operating performance or results in employee compensation to ensure the recruitment, retention and encouragement of human resources to achieve sustainability Business objectives.

Article 20

The company has established multiple communication channels for employees, so that employees have the right to obtain information and express opinions on company operations and management activities and decisions.

Article 21

The company is responsible for products and services and values marketing ethics. Its R&D, procurement, production, operation and service processes ensure the transparency and safety of product and service information, formulate and disclose its consumer rights policies, and implement them in operational activities.

Article 22

In accordance with government regulations and industry-related regulations, the company guarantees customer health and safety, customer privacy, marketing and labeling of product and service quality, and all follow relevant laws and international standards, and shall not deceive, mislead, deceive or any other damage to consumers Acts of trust and harm to the rights and interests of consumers.

Article 23

The company evaluates and manages various risks that may cause interruption of operations, and reduces its impact on consumers and society.
The company provides transparent and effective consumer complaint procedures for products and services, handles consumer complaints in a fair and immediate manner, and abides by the Personal Data Protection Law and other relevant regulations, truly respects consumers' privacy rights, and protects personal data provided by consumers .

Article 24

The company assesses the environmental and social impact of procurement activities on the supply source communities, and cooperates with its suppliers to implement corporate social responsibility, and encourages suppliers to adopt the same standards to their downstream suppliers to promote value chain influence.
The company has formulated supply chain management policies that require suppliers to fully comply with relevant laws and regulations in their business activities in environmental protection, occupational safety and health, labor and human rights, etc., and evaluate whether the supplier has a record of affecting the environment and society before business transactions. Avoid dealing with those who violate the corporate social responsibility policy.
When the company signs a contract with a major supplier, the content includes compliance with the corporate social responsibility policies of both parties, and if the supplier violates the policy and has a significant impact on the environment and society of the source community, the contract can be terminated or cancelled at any time.

Article 25

The company actively participates in and promotes social welfare activities, through commercial activity donations, corporate volunteer services or other public welfare activities, and invests in the development of community education organizations, charitable public welfare organizations and local government agencies related activities to promote community development and enhance community recognition.

Chapter 5 Strengthen the Disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility Information

Article 26

The company conducts information disclosure in accordance with relevant regulations and corporate governance codes of practice, and fully exposes relevant and reliable corporate social responsibility-related information to enhance information transparency. The company's disclosure of corporate social responsibility related information is as follows:
1. Corporate social responsibility policies, systems or related management policies and specific promotion plans approved by the board of directors.
2. Issues related to corporate social responsibility pose risks and opportunities to the company's operations and financial status.
3. The performance goals, measures and implementation performance related to corporate social tasks.
4. Issues of concern to stakeholders.
5. Other corporate social responsibility related information.

Article 27

The company adopts internationally recognized standards or guidelines to prepare a corporate social responsibility report, exposes the promotion of corporate social responsibility and obtains third-party guarantees, including:
1. Implement corporate social responsibility policies, systems or related management guidelines and specific promotion plans.
2. The main stakeholders and their concerns.
3. The company's performance and review in implementing corporate governance, developing a sustainable environment, maintaining social welfare and promoting economic development.
4. The direction and goal of future improvement.

Chapter 6 Supplementary Provisions

Article 28

The company always pays attention to the development of relevant corporate social responsibility standards at home and abroad and changes in the corporate environment, so as to review and improve the corporate social responsibility system established by the company to enhance the performance of corporate social responsibility.

Article 29

The company identifies and evaluates non-financial risks such as corporate governance, environmental and social aspects, drafts a management mechanism and then entrusts it to the company's corporate sustainability committee to implement it, and reports the implementation results to the board of directors from time to time.