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FOCI Technologies

High Accuracy Photonic Integration Technologies

FOCI provide full chip-level to module integrated solutions, from die-bond, wire-bond, seam seal, and laser welding.

The single-channel/ multi-channels assemble technologies are producing the performance photonics interconnected products.

We can offer:

  • Eutectic die bonding 
  • Expoxy die bonding
  • Wire bonding
  • Plasma cleaning 
  • CoC Level Brun-in
  • Lens bonded 
  • Active lens (Micro-Optics) alignment
  • Seam welding 
  • Laser welding
  • Optical fiber and hybrid cable assembling
  • Module assembling and testing
Eutectic Die Bonding
Chip on carrier assembly
Epoxy Die Bonding / Wire Bonding
Chip on Board process (COB)
Laser/PD Box type package
Active / Passive Lens Bonding

Active lens alignment
Passive lens attached

CoC Level Burn-In

COC Burn-in to identify potentially defective devices

Laser Welding

Active optical alignment for metal parts welding.
Metal pars welding

Module Assembly and Testing

Transceiver and AOC product assembly
Transceiver and AOC performance check.

Optical Hybrid Cable Assembly

Consumer product – USB, HDMI, DisplayPort

Seam Welding

Hermetic seal for Box type package